Thursday, January 10, 2013

Baking .... Bacon?

It's true! You can bake bacon...and it makes it amazing without all the hassle!

So I was introduced to baking bacon about 2 years ago and I havn't turned back. I didn't like to make bacon because no matter what I'd get splattered or burned the bacon... This way you don't have all that mess!

Just a couple of easy steps.

1. Line a baking sheet with foil
2. Preheat oven to 350*F
3. Place bacon on cookie sheet
4. Bake for about 25 mins, this depends on how thick the bacon is.

After its done baking, I usually put the bacon on a paper towel to cool. If you're someone that uses the bacon grease its easy to drain than trying to get it out of a round pan and its not burnt (if you're like me and tend to burn it on the stove.

That's it. 

And because I started baking bacon, I started making it more. Simple easy, and I love I don't have to stand over it at the stove. Simple, fool proof and so worth it!

Hope it just gives one more dimension to bacon for you.

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