Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Creme Brulee French Toast

Yes its as good as you would think it is....

KC and I went with some friends to Lincoln, NE for the Huskers Spring game, or tried since 2012 was the first time since the 1950s they have ever canceled the game, this time because of so much rain. We went to this little restaurant that was called Two Twins, and we didn't get a chance to go back on Sunday, but the owner was telling us of Creme Brulee French Toast they do on Sundays.  Weeks later on "The Chew" they had an audience member make Creme Brulee French Toast so I had to try it, and still on the first time tweeked it a bit. I posted it on facebook and people I work with said they had "Food Envy" so of course this is a favorite, though I've only made it once.

1/2 c unsalted butter
1 c brown sugar
2 Tbsp corn syrup (i use light)
1 loaf sour dough bread (suggestion on recipe was Italian bread, but I think it worked well with sour dough)
8 eggs
2 c half and half
1 tsp Brandy
1 tsp Triple Sec
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp Vanilla extract

1. Melt butter in sauce pan, mix in brown sugar and corn syrup. Stir until sugar is melted. Pour into a 9x13 baking pan.

2. Slice the loaf of bread, day old is better, into equal slices. I did about an inch thick. (Original recipe said to remove the crust, I did not). Place in baking pan into single layer. **Do not over crowd the pan or over 'snug' the bread. I learned from experience, it will "puff" up if it doesn't have room or "breathe" while baking **

3.  Whisk the remaining ingredients together (eggs, half and half, brandy, triple sec, salt and vanilla). Pour over sliced bread. Cover and refrigerate over night.

4. Next Morning: Remove dish from fridge, and bring to room temperature. Preheat oven to 350*F

5. Bake uncovered for 35-45 minutes (ours took about 40 minutes) or until puffed and browned... imagine how 'toasted' pan french toast looks.

6. Enjoy!  Original recipe says to serve with maple syrup and whip cream... its pretty sweet tasting, so that choice is up to you. We ate it without either, though whip cream would be good, we just didn't have any at the time. I don't believe it needs syrup at all, but I'll leave it to your digression.

Roasting Red Peppers

I grew up not being a pepper fan, to find out its really Green peppers and hot peppers I'm not a fan of. I've learned I really do enjoy roasted red peppers, so i took a shot at making my own, and they are awesome!

4 - Red Bell Peppers
3 Tbsp Olive Oil
1 Tbsp Peppercorns
3 cloves garlic (crushed)

1. Grill peppers til charred on all sides. You can see this in the picture on the grill that the back left pepper is starting to do this. It takes time so be patient. I think the more charred the better, it helps the skin come off easier later.

2. Remove peppers from heat and seal in a paper bag (or plastic bag if no paper bag) for an hour.

3. After the peppers have cooled, you are going to remove the skin, seeds and stem on each to leave just the pepper flesh. The more charred, the easier the skin will come off. You can just gently use the knife to just slide the skin off.

4. Slice the pepper into strips or how ever big of pieces you would like.

5. Place peppers in a sanitized jar with Olive Oil, peppercorns and garlic.

And you now have your own home made roasted red peppers. Below is about 2/3 a jar that the four peppers I did made. Now I just need to learn the art of canning.

Orange Marinade Grilled Pork Tenderloin

I found a recipe and tweeked it able for an orange juice marinade grilled pork tenderloin that called for grapefruit juice, which i find bitter. I changed it up and while putting together the marinade yesterday morning, I though orange juice and thyme...this is a strange combo, but it works so well together, so I present to you Orange Marinade Grilled Pork Tenderloin....

1-1/2 lb Pork Tenderloin
1-1/2 c orange juice
2 tsp Dried Thyme
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper

Mix all in a gallon bag, and place pork tenderloin in the marinade. I marinade it while I'm at work so at least 9 or so hours. Temper the meat before putting it on the grill. (We learned this from Michael Simon on "The Chew" to let it warm up a bit before slapping it on the grill. I don't remember why but it does seem to make it better, or a little more juicy I think.) Grill on Medium Heat for about 20 minutes or until done. We did about 20 minutes and it turned out like the above. We also use a smoke box on the grill which adds a little extra flavor to the meat.

It was juicy and amazing and will have to be done again!

We paired this with Grilled corn and some grilled potatoes, a favorite in our house.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Friends and Food

Some friends of ours, one of KC's co-workers and his wife have a blog they started, it encompass a lot of things going. Good eats, time with friends and projects around their house. It seems like Eric and Kelly always have something going on.

Fireside Dreamers

They have posted a number of recipes as well, just take a jaunt around their blog. They too like to try new recipes and try out new foods as well. They were part of the inspiration for why I started posting my recipes on this blog to share with everyone. So if you get a change, go check them out and see what they have going on.

Upcoming recipes I'll be posting this weekend:
-Fruit Salsa and Cinnamon Sugar Tortilla chips
-Creme Brulee French Toast
-Stuffed Flank Steak
-Roasted Red Peppers

And a few more...

Monday, July 16, 2012

Easy Beef/Chicken Broccoli Stir Fry

Tonight I made a new favorite, and realized the first time I made it, that things that seem complicated are that hard to make sometimes, and the things that seem they would be easy, seem to be the most complicated... explain that one to me.... anyway, tonight is a new favorite, last time it was beef this time I went with chicken. And its simple so any of you can do it, I swear!

Easy Beef/Chicken and Broccoli Stir-fry
Servings: 4             

3 tablespoons cornstarch, divided                                
1/2 cup water, plus 2 tablespoons water, divided                                        

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder                                    
1 lb boneless round steak or 1 lb chicken - cut into thin strips        
2 tablespoons     vegetable oil, divided                                     

4 cups broccoli florets                                         
1 small onions, cut into wedges                                     
***any other veggies, below are just ones I have added before 
1 medium zucchini
1 medium yellow squash
2 cups mushrooms

1/3 c soy sauce                                              
2 tablespoons brown sugar                                         
1 teaspoon ground ginger                                         
hot cooked rice                                                                                                                                                    

  1. In a bowl, combine 2 tablespoons cornstarch, 2 tablespoons water and garlic powder until smooth.
  2. Add meat and toss.
  3. In a large skillet or wok over medium high heat, stir-fry meat in 1 tablespoon oil until beef reaches desired doneness or chicken is cooked; remove and keep warm.
  4. Stir-fry broccoli and onion (and any other veggies) in remaining oil for 4-5 minutes.
  5. Return meat to pan.
  6. Combine soy sauce, brown sugar, ginger and remaining cornstarch and water until smooth; add to the pan.
  7. Cook and stir for 2 minutes.
  8. Serve over rice.

Zucchini Bites

Zucchini Bites

1 cups zucchini, grated
1 egg
1/4 yellow onion, diced
1/4 cup cheese (cheddar or Parmesan work the best)
1/4 cup Italian bread crumbs
Salt and Pepper

1. Preheat oven to 400F. Spray a mini-muffin tin with non-stick spray, set aside.
2. Grate the zucchini and then place in a dish towel to squeeze out the excess water- like when using frozen spinach; if you skip this part, the middle of the zucchini tots will be really soggy while the outside gets crispy and no one wants that.
3. In a bowl combine, the egg, onion, cheese, bread crumbs, zucchini, salt and pepper.
4. Using a spoon or a cookie scoop, fill the muffin cups to the top. Bake for 15-18 minutes, or until the top is browned and set.

Notes: 1 medium zucchini made 2 batches of these and I used my micro-plane grater to grate them.